The Centre Card of Kalpa Bhadra Kadampa Buddhist Centre gives you access to a range of meditation classes and courses.

There are two ways to access the meditation events at Kalpa Bhadra Kadampa Buddhist Centre: by pay-as-you-go and through the Centre Card.

By pay-as-you-go, you can attend classes and pay for each one individually, and you can also book a series of classes for a discounted rate, eg 3-6 week blocks.

If you attend regularly, the most economical way to enjoy the classes is by setting up a Centre Card – you can do this online by following the links below. There are three levels, depending on what you plan to attend, so you can choose the one that suits you best. The Centre Card is paid monthly and can be cancelled at any time.

Kalpa Bhadra Kadampa Buddhist Centre is a registered charity and your class/centre card fees directly support our activities to teach meditation classes across North Wales, keeping it accessible for everyone.

You can follow the links above to select and set up your centre card level. Payment is taken monthly by subscription and processed by Paypal. Your centre card will automatically renew, and you can cancel at any time. There is no joining fee. Alternatively, you can also pay by standing order – if you prefer to do this then please contact the Centre at the email address below for the details.

You are welcome to add a donation to your monthly fee – this is very much appreciated. Kalpa Bhadra Kadampa Buddhist Centre is a Registered Charity (#1048944) and a non-profit organisation which is run largely by volunteers. All activities are dedicated to the development of peace throughout the world. All funds raised through our activities go to the International Temples Project  and to making the teachings more widely available in North Wales.

If you have any questions, please email: